Academy Uniform
We request that all children from Nursery onwards wear academy uniform. P.E kits are required from Year 1, and all children require P.E pumps or trainers. It is not essential for children to wear our branded uniform. Generic uniform items in the correct colours can be worn, which you can get from a uniform bank, or from any supermarket or other uniform retailer.
The Academy uniform comprises:
Royal blue sweatshirt or jumper
White shirt or blouse (white polo shirts embroidered with the school badge are available)
Grey or black trousers/skirts (Girls may wear trousers if they prefer)
Black or brown shoes/boots. No trainers or bright coloured footwear allowed.
Blue and white checked summer dresses may be worn in warm weather
Jewellery should not be worn unless it is for religious purposes.
No extreme hair colours, hair cuts or large hair bows
Major items of clothing should be clearly marked with the child’s name. Shoes should be of a type that will not damage the floors and be suitable for children’s normal playground activity. If you do wish to purchase jumpers with the Devonshire logo, please see the link below.
Uniform can be purchased from:
CC Uniforms Ltd, 82 Kings Square, West Bromwich B70 7NW. Telephone number 0121 448 9199.
Embroidered uniform is optional, items can be purchased from local supermarkets without embroidery.
School Dinners
School dinners are free for all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils.
Snack Time and School Fund
Children receive free milk each day up until their 5th birthday. Children who wish to have juice must pay 50p each Monday.
School fund is 50p each week. This pays for a snack each day, and other curriculum ‘extras’ such as cooking ingredients, trips, special art project materials and other treats for your child’s class.
Please pay for juice and school fund on the School Gateway app weekly, termly or annually.